Mental health and wellbeing

Find support and advice about mental health and wellbeing, including local organisations, support groups and information.
Older woman comforting older man

Where to start

Talk to your GP (doctor)

GPs will support most people with mental health needs or refer people to mental health services. If you're unsure what to discuss with your GP, you can use Doc Ready to prepare for your visit.

You can find your nearest GP surgery through the NHS website.

Find support and advice

You can find what support is available locally on:

Our website has information on suicide, dementia and memory loss, and pain management.

The NHS has a list of mental health helplines if you would like to talk to someone.

In an emergency or crisis

If you need an emergency service, such as an ambulance, please dial 999.

If you need urgent medical advice, you can call the NHS on 111.

You can talk to Samaritans anytime on 116 123.

Mental health support in Suffolk

Suffolk InfoLink is our directory of local groups and organisations. Find help on topics including:

Emotional Wellbeing Gateway

The Emotional Wellbeing Gateway provides online support to families, teachers and professionals who are worried about a child or young person’s emotional wellbeing. The website includes:

  • Information and resources about contacting mental health services and how to make an online referral to the Emotional Wellbeing Hub.
  • Practical information, advice and guidance pages on common mental health issues in children and young people, such as, anxiety, stress, depression, eating disorders, self-harm and suicidal thoughts.
  • A directory of local organisations, charities, and emotional wellbeing support groups.  



Healthy Suffolk

Healthy Suffolk is the website for Suffolk's Public Health team.

They have information about drug and alcohol treatment and recovery.

New Chapters: mental health and wellbeing information service

Suffolk Libraries offers New Chapters: mental health and wellbeing information service. It includes a blog, links to useful websites and an events list. Libraries also hold information leaflets and have regular activities where you can meet others.

Suffolk User Forum 

Suffolk User Forum is a user-led mental health charity which supports people with mental health problems. The User Forum:

  • gathers experience of mental health service users to influence how services are provided
  • informs service users of developments in mental health care, creating a better understanding of services

Mental Health Support for teenagers and young adults

For information on mental health services and support available to help young people, please refer them to The Source website -